
Discover personalized healthcare from your new Internal Medicine physician

Discover personalized healthcare from your new Internal Medicine physician

Discover personalized healthcare from your new Internal Medicine physicianDiscover personalized healthcare from your new Internal Medicine physicianDiscover personalized healthcare from your new Internal Medicine physician

Our Healthcare Mission

Dr. DeSoto aims to provide high quality, personalized and attentive medical care to her patients.  The office team strives to provide excellent patient care and customer service to our patients.  We are committed to maintaining and improving the health and wellness of  all our patients. Our goal is to keep you healthy, and if you have a medical illness our goal is to make you feel better as quickly as possible.

We strive to help you improve your health and allow you to live your best possible life.   

Experience and Professionalism

Dr. DeSoto became Board-Certified in Internal Medicine in 2001.  She has previously provided Internal Medicine care in both inpatient and outpatient care settings.  She been providing outpatient care at her current private office since 2013.